Features Of Utility Bill Software

By Daphne Bowen

All the public utilities share the same objectives which are provision of clean water and energy to the public. Though these services are basic they also remit some revenue which must be accounted for. Like any other business, customer satisfaction is a priority. In modern day the manual systems are being replaced rapidly by automated systems which can read the meters remotely. These automatic systems for reading the meters are preferred to the manual systems because of the risks involved in reading the meters in residential homes where the residents may be hostile. The employees of the company sometimes have to travel through harsh landscape to reach the locations of the households. Utility bill software can be used in big and small cities.

The first step to adoption of an automated system is the installation of automated meter readers in the households and premises. Manual reading of meters has taken place for a long time especially in the rural areas. Automated systems allow for the meter reading to be done remotely without sending employees to physically go and read the meters. An automatic meter can be read from hundreds of meters away from a control station.

Installing a utility bill program ensures that the customers receive a detailed statement showing their actual usage and the rates used to charge them. This has significantly reduced the amount of complaints lodged by the customers as a result of inaccurate readings if the meters were read manually.

Automated billing systems provide the customer with online portals. Through these portals, the customers are able to easily find information they are looking for. Therefore, the calls made to the call centers of the companies reduce significantly. This means increased customer satisfaction.

Automated billing system has made handling of meter changes manageable by the utility companies. Some of the customers may change their residential households from time to time thereby prompting the change in meter numbers. Using an automated system allows the utility company to integrate the new and old meter bills into one bill.

An automated system is perfect for summary billing of an account. In the case where a single user is in charge of several other accounts the bills of those accounts can be merged into one. This improves the efficiency in payments. In most cases, installation of an automated system may not require heavy investment in hardware. The software can be installed into the existing hardware in the company therefore no additional costs.

When determining the type of automated system to adopt in the operations of the company, the amount of cash flows should be considered. Most of these companies bill their customers monthly or quarterly.

A fully detailed bill is provided to the consumer. The bill may include the usage and the parameters of charging the fees to be levied. These bills being electronic are conveniently sent to the customers through their emails. The customer is satisfied by the detailed bills and hence fewer complaints.

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