Windows 7: more than 90 million licences sold

Windows 7 represents a turning point in modern history of Windows: dragging criticism generated by his predecessor, Windows Vista, Microsoft made a huge effort to produce a version of its operating system, which again was liked by users, many of them, customers of many years of the Redmond company. And although it was doubted that Windows 7 could straighten the road, this product has proven to be good.

Since its launch in October 2009, Microsoft has sold 90 million licenses of Windows 7 worldwide, which is more than gratifying, considering that even in the market there are many computers that have Windows XP as the primary OS that represent a strong competition with other Microsoft products like Windows Vista.

Not only is the number of licenses, but the attitude of many people to this new version of Windows. According to a company spokesman, Brandon LeBlanc, Windows 7 has been the fastest operating system has been sold in Microsoft's history, which shows the pleasure and acceptance of many people, he hoped that Windows 7 would be so good as we were told it would be.

It seems to me that Windows 7 is a stable and much improved version of what is seen in addition to being fast, is very pleasing to the eye, and go that has enhanced the experience of user interfaces easier to use.

Windows 7: More than 90 Million Copies Sold!

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