Apple releases iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 5 for the iPad
A few minutes and merely 8 days have released the iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 4 for the iPad, Apple has released the next version of the SDK specifically for the iPad. The speed with which Apple has been releasing different versions of the SDK, denote the imminent appearance of the product on the market.
As you can imagine, yet no information on the new features this new version, but probably within the next few hours will be enough information. The question would be Is there a new version of the iPhone software for existing terminals or we have to wait until Apple releases the iPhone software version 4?
To me, that the current owners of an iPhone, we have to wait to present a new generation Apple iPhone with iPhone Software 4. Apparently the many fixes that need the iPhone's operating system along with new features, will have to wait several more months.
If you are an application developer for the iPad, you probably already know that you can download from the Apple iPhone Dev Center.
Tags: Apple , Development , iPad , iPhone
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