Google announces Google Buzz: The New Gmail for sharing

Google has introduced Google Buzz Yesterday evening, something like an integration of talks and nearly all within the mail service Gmail, is a hybrid between social networks and microblogging services yet has many similarities with many unsuccessful Google Wave.

Thus, based, it is a system that from the user's connection state can follow other users and their updates and share with them almost everything. As seen in the presentation may do harm to insist similar services, or social networking or microblogging services, but appears not to be posited as a substitute of similar things, but it is very focused on maintaining order and classification of what is in our interest only, when similar services each user swallow everything.

The Buzz Google bases, according to its creators feel about ...

• Monitoring of people automatically
• One way to share content easily and quickly
• The content can be shared both publicly and privately
• Automatic integration in Gmail inbox
• Filtering for the user to receive only what is most interesting

This is a new environment different from Gmail as we've known it. It has a feature they have dubbed the next car that automatically search all content without requiring social search components are updating this information, since it adds to all participants related to that topic that are included in the list Gmail.De user is thus possible to follow an issue privately but also public.

Google Buzz lets you share images, data from Twitter, Google Reader, or any total or partial content of the web, among others. It automatically integrates the Gmail inbox, so more than a new environment that we could talk Gmail Buzz goes beyond the normal email, as has been pointed out literally in the presentation.

In the coming hours will unveil more details on Buzz Google, as they come to light, the tell you;) For the moment, you may access the service at least in some areas, and progressively-
accessing this link.

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