Google introduces a new algorithm to answer questions by searching

If there is anything we grant to Google, is its ability to improve and innovate in the field of search, which is the best sector in which they develop. The traditional paradigm of Internet search says that users are listed with links to pages related to your query. It is the job of the user to search and review the content of each page to find what you are looking for, however this is about to change. Through a very complex algorithm (no further details, typical of the Californian company) seeks life even easier for users of the browser. The idea is to provide concrete answers instead of just links to relevant pages. It's more like an answering of questions that a search engine: an interesting concept that will surely have wide acceptance.

From the standpoint of SEO, it will be interesting to see how this concept develops, it will be possible to develop sites that provide answers to the people instead of writing information with their respective onpage optimization as is done until today

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